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Choco Mama

  • $85.00
  • $94.45

1 kg

The Choco Mama discovery box features some of our most popular chocolate items and delicious roasted nuts.

To snack them, it's to love them! 


- Greek Yogurt Almonds 
- Dark chocolate raisins
- Milk Chocolate pretzels
- Jumbo roasted cashews (salted)
- Roasted red skin peanuts 

All of our bags are always of 1KG. Enjoy this box of wholesome Nutterie goods that's pre-built for you with an already applied 10% than buying all the goods separately.

INGRÉDIENTS: Enrobage yogourt (sucre, yogourt non-gras sec, lécithine de soya, vanilline, sel), amandes, gomme arabique, glaçage du confiseur.
INGREDIENTS: Yogurt coating (sugar, nonfat dry yogurt, soy lecithin,vanillin, salt), almonds, arabic gum, confectioner's glaze.

INGRÉDIENTS: Chocolat noir (sucre, chocolatnon-sucré, beurre de cacao, lécithine de soya), raisins (huile de tournesol), glaçage du confiseur, eau, gomme d'acacia.
INGREDIENTS: Dark Chocolate (sugar, unsweetened chocolate, cocoa butter, soy lecithin), raisins (sunflower oil), confectionary glaze, shellac, water, acacia gum.

INGRÉDIENTS: Chocolat au lait (sucre, beurre de cacao, chocolat non-sucré, lait entier en poudre, lécithine de soja, polyricinoléate de polyglycérol, sel, extrait naturel
de vanille), bretzels (farine de blé enrichie, sel, malt, huile de soja), gomme laque, eau, gomme d'acacia
INGREDIENTS: Milk chocolate (sugar, cocoa butter, unsweetened chocolate,whole milk powder, soy lecithin, polyglycerol polyricinoleate, salt, natural vanilla extract), pretzels (enriched wheat flour, salt, malt, soybean oil), shellac, water, acacia gum

INGRÉDIENTS: Noix de Cajou, Huile de Soja ou Huile de Canola, Sel de Mer
INGREDIENTS: Cashew, Soya Oil or Canola Oil, Sea Salt

INGRÉDIENTS: Arachides, huile de canola non hydrogénée, sel.
INGREDIENTS: Peanuts, non hydrogenated canola oil, salt.

Peut contenir: Sulphate, Blé (Gluten), Arachides, Noix, Soya, Sésame, Lait May
contain: Sulphate, Wheat (Gluten), Peanut, Nuls, Soy, Sesame, Milk

Amandes au yogourt grec // Greek Yogurt Almonds
Calories 540
Lipides / Fat 32 mg
Saturés/ Saturated 0.6 g
+ Trans/ Trans 0 g
Glucides / Carbohydrate 60 g
Fibres/ Fiber 1 g
Sucres / Sugars 57 g
Protéines/ Protein 7 g
Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 20 mg
Potassium 0 mg
Calcium 10 mg
Fer/ Iron 0 mg

Raisins au Chocolat Noir // Dark chocolate raisins
Calories 400
Lipides/ Fat 20 g
Saturés / Saturated 12 g
+ Trans / Trans 0 mg
Glucides/ Carbohydrate 67.5 g
Fibres / Fiber 5 g
Sucres / Sugars 52.5 g
Protéines / Protein 5 g
Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0 mg
Sodium 5 mg
Potassium 562.5 mg
Calcium 50 mg
Fer/ Iron 7.5 mg

Bretzels au chocolat au lait // Milk Chocolate pretzels
Calories 230
Lipides / Fat 8 g
Saturés/ Saturated 4.5 g
+ Trans/ Trans 0.1 g
Glucides / Carbohydrate 37 g
Fibres / Fiber 2 g
Sucres / Sugars 20 g
Protéines / Protein 4 g
Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 370 mg
Potassium 0 mg

Noix de cajou rôties // Jumbo roasted cashews (salted)
Calories 288
Lipides / Fat 22 g
Saturés/ Saturated 4.5 g
+ Trans/ Trans 0 g
Glucides/ Carbohydrate 14 g
Fibres / Fiber 2 g
Sucres / Sugars 1 g
Protéines / Protein 8 g
Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 230 mg
Potassium 330 mg
Calcium 19 mg
Fer/ Iron 3 mg

Arachides peau rouge rôties // Roasted red skin peanuts
Calories 300
Lipides/ Fat 26 g
Saturés / Saturated 4.5 g
+ Trans / Trans 0 g
Glucides / Carbohydrate 89 g
Fibres / Fiber 4 g
Sucres / Sugars 2 g
Protéines/ Protein 14 g
Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 160 mg
Potassium 350 mg
Calcium 30 mg
Fer/ Iron 1 mg