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California mix

Our California mix is the trail mix you already love, combined with the sweet taste of dried fruit. Satisfying and nutritious, it's trail mix with added sunshine!

- Sultana raisins, Diced pineapples. Diced papayas, Sweet peanuts, Unsalted Roasted White Peanuts, Yogurt coated peanuts, Walnuts, Unsalted Roasted Almonds

  • $15.49
/ 1 kg
Free shipping over $49.99 in Quebec, $89 elsewhere.

INGRÉDIENTS: Raisins secs, arachides sucrées (sucre fin, sucre glacé, glucose,
huile de canola haute stabilité, gomme arabique, lécithine de soja, arôme artificiel,
colorant), ananas (sucre, acide citrique, dioxyde de soufre)
INGREDIENTS: Raisin, Sugared Peanuts (Fine Sugar, lcing Sugar, Glucose, High
Stability Canola Oil, Arabie Gum, Soy Lecithin, Artificial Flavor, Color), Pineapple
(Sugar, Citric Acid, Sulphur Dioxid)
Peut contenir : Sulphate, Blé (Gluten), Arachides, Noix, Soya, Sésame, Lait
May contain : Sulphate, Wheat (Gluten), Peanut, Nuts, Soy, Sesame, Milk

Calories 190
Lipides/ Fat 8 g
Saturés / Saturated 1 g
+ Trans/ Trans 0 g
Glucides / Carbohydrate 27 g
Fibres / Fiber 2 g
Sucres / Sugars 16 g
Protéines / Protein 3 g
Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 5 mg

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