Elevate your culinary creations with our luscious White Chocolate Wafers. Crafted with the finest ingredients, these smooth and creamy wafers are perfect for baking, melting, or savouring on their own.
Immerse yourself in the sweet luxury of our White Chocolate Wafers – a delightful addition to your kitchen repertoire that promises to enchant your taste buds with every delicious recipe you will create.
Free shipping over $49.99 in Quebec, $89 elsewhere.
INGRÉDIENTS : Sucre, huile de palme hydrogénée, poudre de lactosérum
concentré, lait entier en poudre, lécithine de soya, saveur naturelle.
INGREDIENTS : Sugar, hydrogenated palm oil, powdered whey concentrate,
whole milk powder, soy lecithin, natural flavour.
Peut contenir ; Sulphate, Blé (Gluten), Arachides, Noix, Soya, Sésame, Lait
May contain : Sulphate, Wheat (Gluten), Peanut, Nuts, Soy, Sesame, Milk