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Corn chips with flax seeds

  • Sold out

1 kg

How can corn chips get better? Add iron-rich flax seeds! These corn chips are packed full of flavour and now have a burst of added nutrition. You may never go back to regular corn chips again.

Snack them, add them to your salads or create your own mixes with them - all the options as valid and delicious! 

INGRÉDIENTS: Masa de maïs jaune, graines de lin, huile de soja, sel

INGREDIENTS: Yellow Corn Masa, Flax Seeds, Soybean Oil, Salt

Valeur nutritive / Nutrition facts

Calories 504
Lipides / Fat 28.93 g
Saturés / Saturated 4.01 g
Trans / Trans 0.33 g
Glucides / Carbohydrate 57.6 g
Fibres / Fiber 9.82 g
Sucres / Sugars 1.24 g
Protéines / Protein 8.74 g
Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0g
Sodium 596 mg
Potassium 320 mg
Calcium 97 mg
Fer / Iron 2.86 mg