Experience the creamy goodness of Nutterie’s Milk Chocolate Wafers! These delectable wafers are perfect for satisfying your sweet cravings or adding a touch of elegance to your dessert table. Whether enjoyed layered in desserts, or used to create delightful chocolate bark, these wafers are versatile and delicious. Great for parties, baking, or simply indulging at home, Nutterie’s Milk Chocolate Wafers are a must-have treat. Order today and enjoy fast delivery across Canada to indulge in this delightful chocolate experience!
Free shipping over $49.99 in Quebec, $89 elsewhere.
INGRÉDIENTS: Sucre, huile de palme hydrogénée, poudre de cacao, lait entier en poudre, lécithine de soya, vanilline
INGREDIENTS: Sugar, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, cocoa powder, whole milk powder, soya lecithin, vanillin
Peut contenir: Sulfite, Blé (Gluten), Arachides, Noix, Sésame
May contain: Sulphite, Wheat (Gluten), Peanuts, Nuts, Sesame