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Dried pitted prunes (small size)

Love the taste of prunes but don't love dealing with the pits? We've taken care of them for you! Prunes are easy and enjoyable on their own as a snack or combined with goat cheese and walnuts for a delicious treat for guests.

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/ 1 kg
Free shipping over $49.99 in Quebec, $89 elsewhere.

INGRÉDIENTS: Prunes séchées, Sorbate de potassium, enrobage d'huile végétale à haute teneur en acide oléique
INGREDIENTS: Dried Plums, Potassium Sorbate, High oleic vegetable oil coating

Peut contenir : Sulphate, Blé (Gluten), Arachides, Noix, Soya, Sésame, Lait
May contain : Sulphate, Wheat (Gluten), Peanut, Nuts, Soy, Sesame, Milk

Calories 129
Lipides/ Fat 0 g
Saturés / Saturated 0 g
+ Trans / Trans 0 g
Glucides/ Carbohydrate 29.2 g
Fibres/ Fiber 2 g
Sucres / Sugars 0 g
Protéines / Protein 1 g
Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 15 mg
Potassium 0 mg
Calcium 0 mg
Fer/ Iron 0 mg

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