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Salad Topper

The Salad Topper was created for the salad lovers in mind! Elevate every single salad you'll eat or serve!


- Shelled sunflower seeds
- Shelled pumpkin seeds
- Walnut small pieces 
- Golden raisins
- Slivered almonds

All of our bags are always of 1KG. Enjoy this box of wholesome Nutterie goods that's pre-built for you with an already applied 10% than buying all the goods separately.
  • $53.99
  • $60.45
/ 5 kg
Free shipping over $49.99 in Quebec, $89 elsewhere.

INGRÉDIENTS: Graines de Citrouille
INGREDIENTS: Pumpkin Seeds

INGRÉDIENTS: Graines de tournesol, huile de soya ou de canola (non hydrogenée)
INGREDIENTS: Roasted sunflower seeds, Soya oil or canola oil (non hydrogenated)

INGRÉDIENTS: Noix de Grenoble naturelles
INGREDIENTS: Natural shelled walnuts

INGRÉDIENTS: Raisins dorés
INGREDIENTS: Golden Raisins

INGRÉDIENTS: Amande Blanche
INGREDIENTS: Blanched Almond

Peut contenir : Sulphate, Blé (Gluten), Arachides, Noix, Soya, Sésame, Lait
May contain : Sulphate, Wheat (Gluten), Peanut, Nuts, Soy, Sesame, Milk

Graines de citrouille écalées // Shelled Pumpkin Seeds
Calories 578
Lipides / Fat 49 g
Saturés / Saturated 8,6 g
+ Trans/ Trans 0 g
Glucides/ Carbohydrate 10.7 g
Fibres / Fiber 6 g
Sucres / Sugars 1 g
Sucre ajouté / Added Sugar 0 g
Protéines/ Protein 30 g
Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 7 mg
Potassium 809 mg
Calcium 46 mg
Fer/ Iron 9 mg

Graines de tournesol écalées // Shelled Sunflower Seeds
Calories 627
Lipides / Fat 51.46 g
Saturés/ Saturated 4.46 g
+ Trans/ Trans 0 g
Glucides / Carbohydrate 20 g
Fibres/ Fiber 9 g
Sucres/ Sugars 3 g
Sucre ajouté / Added Sugar 0 g
Protéines/ Protein 21 g
Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 3 mg
645 mg
78 mg
Fer/ Iron 5 mg

Grenobles en petit morceaux // Walnut small pieces
Calories 654
Lipides/ Fat 65 g
Saturés/ Saturated 6.1 g
+ Trans / Trans 0 g
Glucides/ Carbohydrate 14 g
Fibres/ Fiber 7 g
Sucres/ Sugars 3 g
Protéines / Protein 15 g
Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 2 mg
Potassium 441 mg
Calcium 98 mg
Fer/ Iron 3 mg

Raisins dorés // Golden Raisins
Calories 292
Lipides/ Fat 27 g
Saturés / Saturated 0 g
+ Trans / Trans 0 g
Glucides / Carbohydrate 131 g
Fibres / Fiber 7 g
Sucres/ Sugars 98 g
Protéines / Protein 79 g
Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 20 g
Vitamin C 5 mg
Vitamin B1 0 mg
Fer/ Iron 3 mg

Amandes en bâtonnets // Slivered Almonds
Calories 590
Lipides/ Fat 53 g
Saturés / Saturated 4 g
+ Trans/ Trans 0 g
Glucides/ Carbohydrate 19 g
Fibres / Fiber 10 g
Sucres/ Sugars 5 g
Protéines / Protein 21 g
Cholestérol / Cholesterol 0 g
Sodium 19 mg
Potassium 659 mg
Calcium 236 mg
Fer/ Iron 3 mg

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